Here are four suggestions that can help people to cope with current events.
Adults in locations more affected by COVID-19 had distress, and lower physical and mental health, and life satisfaction.
College students who listened to classical music by Beethoven and Chopin during a computer-interactive lecture on microeconomics -- and heard the music played again that night...
People with Parkinson's disease who engage in cognitive behavioral therapy -- a form of psychotherapy that increases awareness of negative thinking and teaches coping skills --...
Wealthy people - once considered the hotbeds for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) - have seen prevalence flatten or fall in the last two decades, while rates...
Not necessary to give it up altogether; but using Facebook for just a good hour every day may be best for you.
Doctors are trying to at least soften the blow that the disease delivers on people’s brains with different medications and even some activities linked to improved...
Binaural beats may help suppress mind-wandering and sharpening of attentional focus, which in turn reduces the negative effect of mental fatigue.
Mindfulness meditation sessions that incorporated a nonjudgment element--or awareness and acceptance--led to better recovery compared with general mindfulness meditation sessions.
The results of the research team's study showed that exercise improved the participants' ability to think, remember, and make decisions compared to non-exercisers.