High job demands at work are strongly associated with work addiction risk but the job control level does not play the same role. The prevalence of...
Participants were more likely to remember information about politics and government policy when it was conveyed in a humorous rather than non-humorous manner and were more...
Overly anxious and depressed people's judgment can improve if they focus on what they get right, instead of what they get wrong.
The "continuity of the self" -- the capacity for self-awareness and self-recognition -- remains stable whereas other components such as physical aspects, physiological processes and even...
Declines in blue-collar jobs may have left some working-class men frustrated by unmet job expectations and more likely to suffer an early death by suicide or...
Employees suffering from burnout should be timely provided with adequate support in order to break the vicious circle between work stress and burnout.
There's bad news for parents who frequently plop their kids in front of the TV to give themselves a break: It might actually end up leaving...
When experiencing musical chills, low frequency electrical signals called "theta activity" -- a type of activity associated with successful memory performance in the context of high...
Some legendary artists have equally contributed to our knowledge of the physical world through their artwork, and Leonardo Da Vinci is one such name. The renowned...
Some factors were found to be associated with loneliness across all age groups. These included living alone, frequency of neighbour contact, psychological distress, and psychological and...