Feeling overwhelmed and overburdened by various responsibilities, some parents turn to pets as a source of comfort and support.
The living environment also appears to make a difference, as dogs that live in urban environments were observed to be more fearful than dogs living in...
Even as many people still can't access Covid-19 testing, one domestic cat in Belgium has been tested and - unfortunately - found to have been infected...
The more your pet can associate good behavior with rewards, the more likely he or she is to repeat that learned behavior.
While your training might be inspired by the behaviors you'd like your cat to adopt or change, beginning your training by rewarding your pet's existing good...
Research continues to emerge supporting the positive impact pets add to owners' lives, as well as the benefits pet adoption has on communities as a whole.
Seven percent of the recipes called for ingredients that are potentially toxic to cats, including garlic or garlic powder, onions and leeks. Researchers also found recipes...
Here are five ways you can show your cat just how much you care.
Prepare for an upcoming trip with a detailed packing list and map out pet-friendly locations on your itinerary to help keep your pet's needs top of...
Pets are not only great companions for playing around in the yard, they also offer adoptive families a sense of community.