Yogurt consumption over time may protect against colorectal cancer through changes in the gut microbiome.
Short-course, higher dose vaginal brachytherapy for endometrial cancer had similar effectiveness to more frequent, lower dose sessions.
More than roughly 10-and-a-half hours of sedentary behavior per day was significantly linked with future heart failure (HF) and cardiovascular (CV) death, even among people meeting...
It is well known that people who suffer sleep deprivation ‘sleep in’ on days off to mitigate the effects of sleep deprivation. However, there is a...
Running, cycling, or swimming – if you regularly exercise, you’re on track for a long and healthy life.
he Mfn-2 protein would regulate the curve of the mitochondrial membrane in promoting the oxidation of fat in a specific population of mitochondria, through its interaction...
Castor oil has been proposed as a natural product that could offer a safe, effective and easy-to-use alternative to existing therapies.
As a leading remittance service provider in the Philippines and overseas, ML Kwarta Padala has provided valuable services to millions of Filipinos in the form of...
People who did yoga were more than four times as likely to have more than a 50% reduction in their seizure frequency after six months than...
‘Achievement’ and ‘conformity’ values had no impact on happiness whatsoever. However, the researchers believe achievement could impact on happiness when linked to job satisfaction or the...