Immune cells are also activated when the body is exposed to stressors such as excess fat in obesity, making being overweight the number one non-genetic risk...
The association between physical activity and obesity was higher in men with hearing loss, who were 2.319 times more likely to be obese than women who...
Sustainable, responsive, resilient and functional food systems can enable better and healthier diets, but while the food systems encompass a range of public and private actors,...
When physically fit women exercise during pregnancy they could be setting their children up for better fitness too.
The conclusion is clear: sugar influences brain reward circuitry in ways similar to those observed when addictive drugs are consumed.
Results showed that an intensive lifestyle intervention, delivered alone or with liraglutide 3.0 mg/d, produced clinically significant improvements in aspects of general and weight-related quality of...
Students who used their smartphones five or more hours a day had a 43 percent increased risk of obesity and were more likely to have other...
Less focus on plate size and more on reducing quantity and variety of food key to getting children to snack less.
Those classified as having asthma had been diagnosed at two or more doctor's appointments and had also received a prescription, such as an inhaler. Tests of...
Osteopathic physicians suggest shifting the conversation from weight to health for overweight children and adults, asking patients to reduce their sugar intake to see measurable improvements...