Although hot flashes easily rank as the most common symptom of menopause, the transition is often accompanied by other issues, including changes that affect a woman's...
The study also found that women reported higher scores on a scale measuring empathy, the ability to understand the emotions of others and to care for...
This means exercising before menopause is all the more important for women in order to develop blood vessels in muscles, and thus the ability to develop...
Women have had to endure additional burdens associated with both paid and unpaid work, often without consideration or the alleviation of other life responsibilities. Women were...
The results suggest that children--especially girls--who attend school for longer will have better memory abilities in old age. This may have implications for memory loss in...
High uric acid levels can cause health problems such as gout and renal damage, but this study showed that it protects against lung function decline in...
Favorable entrepreneurial framework and conditions characterized by high levels of support for SMEs, ease of doing business, and access to financial services and academic programs are...
Women who worked consistently during their prime midlife working years had better physical health than non-working women later in life. Working women were also less depressed...