A self-reported history of gestational hypertension was associated with cardiovascular disease. Women with preeclampsia or all three adverse pregnancy outcomes also had a numerically higher prevalence...
Consuming a high-fat, sugary diet during pregnancy also increases the likelihood of the unborn baby becoming insulin resistant in adulthood, potentially triggering diabetes and causing cardiovascular...
A single dose of the measles jab is up to 2.6 times more likely to be completely ineffective in children born by C-section, compared to those...
Weight gain during pregnancy is a normal process but the old adage that expectant mums are ‘eating for two’ and don’t need to worry about weight...
However the research, from over 4,000 pregnant women with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, also found women who had a positive test were more likely to have...
Sons born to mothers who fell within the overweight range were more likely to be diagnosed with infertility during adulthood than sons of mothers with normal-range...
Support is important during and after pregnancy for the physical and emotional health of the mother and her baby. Here are good ways to find the...
The type of injury seen in the placentas shows abnormal blood flow between the mothers and their babies in utero, pointing to a new complication of...
During the COVID-19 crisis, breastfeeding and the provision of human milk to infants is recommended by national and international organizations because it is effective against infectious...
When physically fit women exercise during pregnancy they could be setting their children up for better fitness too.