While procrastinators often admonish themselves for their “bad habit,” it turns out that their worries for the future are more to blame.
The negative health and wellbeing consequences of repeatedly viewing stressful situations as a threat include a higher risk of mental health problems such as depression, physical...
The World Health Organization has just declared loneliness to be a ‘Global Health concern’ and has launched an international commission on the problem.
Majority of people reported remarkably high levels of happiness. This was especially true in the communities with the lowest levels of monetization, where citizens reported a...
The "continuity of the self" -- the capacity for self-awareness and self-recognition -- remains stable whereas other components such as physical aspects, physiological processes and even...
Employees suffering from burnout should be timely provided with adequate support in order to break the vicious circle between work stress and burnout.
There's bad news for parents who frequently plop their kids in front of the TV to give themselves a break: It might actually end up leaving...
People who laugh frequently in their everyday lives may be better equipped to deal with stressful events - although this does not seem to apply to...
When college students learn specific techniques for managing stress and anxiety, their wellbeing improves across a range of measures and leads to better mental health, a...
Because previous research has shown that financial distress is strongly linked to suicide mortality, the researchers fear that the increase may predict a future increase in...