At a time in development when infants must acquire information about what objects are and what they can do with them, massive amounts of practice playing...
Findings demonstrate that the ability of individuals to delay gratification and apply self-control plays a major role in influencing lifestyle decisions, which in turn has a...
Dietary compounds shown to protect against jet lag-type symptoms.
Dedicated exercise (moderate-vigorous physical activity) was the most efficient at improving fitness. Specifically, exercise was three times more efficient than walking alone and more than 14...
To keep nutritious produce and fresh-squeezed juices safe, follow these food safety tips.
The high omega 3 diet was associated with a reduction of 1.3 headache hours per day and two headache days per month. The high omega 3...
The ultra-time-efficient maneuver known as High-Resistance Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training (IMST) could play a key role in helping aging adults fend off cardiovascular disease.
The researchers found that while the larger portions of vegetables were associated with greater intake, the addition of butter and salt was not. The children also...
At a concentration equivalent to two cans of diet soft drink, all three artificial sweeteners significantly increased the adhesion of both E. coli and E. faecalis...
The key is taking a smart approach to snacking and making small shifts toward healthier choices. Consider these simple strategies to help you get started.