The main motivation for no-nvegetarians to consider being vegetarian is health, with environmental and animal rights motives being less common.
Certain foods--including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other high-fiber foods--can be beneficial, while others--such as dairy products and foods high in saturated fat--can be harmful.
Start planning a low-carb menu filled with high-fiber carbohydrates, optimal protein and healthy fats.
The more APOA5 you have the faster the triglyceride is removed. Everybody agrees it is an important protein but scientists don't know much about its structure...
This study has important implications for eating habits, suggesting that a daily fast between the evening meal and breakfast will optimize weight management.
Get motivated to reach your weight loss goals with these expert tips.
Conventional wisdom suggests that an increasingly sedentary and germ-free lifestyle, resulting in low daily energy expenditure, is a primary factor underlying rising rates of obesity.
A high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet like the Keto regimen has its fans, but influenza apparently isn't one of them.
Consider these ideas for creating a balanced diet and a nutritious sandwich to help ensure you get enough of each food group.
There is a positive link between the moderate intake of milk during pregnancy and birth weight, length, and bone mineral content during childhood. In addition, a...