Forcing unremorseful kids to apologize to others before they're truly sorry may do more harm than good.
Heatwaves halved the amount of offspring males could produce, and a second heatwave almost sterilized males. Females, by contrast, were unaffected by heatwave conditions.
Dual users were more likely to have stopped using tobacco, but that difference disappeared by the 1-year and 18-month interviews. By the end of the study,...
After reviewing detailed reports, assessing notes and reclassifying cases with specific benchmarks, researchers found that 53% were the result of internal factors in healthcare entities.
To make your home's window treatments safer for children, follow these guidelines.
Put your well-being at the top of the list with these ideas to help ensure a health-conscious home.
Since 2008, the prevalence of diabetes was still low but it grew to 5.2% among adult population in 2013 and further grew up to 7.1% in...
To better care for your eyes, consider these tips that put the focus back on eye health.
Functional Medicine is experiencing a rapid development across the globe. In the Philippines, LifeScience Institute (LSI) champions this approach through various initiatives to educate, train and...
Here are tips on how to improve and navigate intimacy during and after breast cancer.